Twilight Star Robert Pattinson Reveals His Love

In a recent interview, international sensation Robert Pattinson finally admits to being in love. Pattinson is often very secretive about his love life, but now he is opening up. Teenage girls all over the world are on the edge of their seats. Is it his Twilight costar Kristen Stewart?
Sadly, no, Pattinson reveals that he is in love with his dog. He says that their relationship is “ridiculous”
In a more racy turn of events, during Pattinson’s 12-hour photo shoot, naked women surrounded him. He said that he was quite unprepared, but he was hung over so that made the situation bearable. Ooh, poor Robert. He likened the shoot to retro porn.
Check out the March issue of Details Magazine for more on the world’s most famous vampire. Who knows where he will show up next.


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