Storing files online and getting direct download link , google sites

Google sites provides an quick and easy way to store file online and getting direct link to distribute that file, or using it online on any blog or other application such as to play song for profile visitors in orkut.

So here is a simple tutorial for this task.
First of all you will need a google account to log in to, i.e. the same account you use to sign in on orkut or gmail will work.

Now you will have to create your own site.
to do so , visit, log in with your google account, and you will see a tab having text "create site" as shown below :

 Here click on create site, and u will be directed to next page where you will need to choose a template for your site (choose blank if  you just want it as online file storage location).
Now enter a name, url and brief description of you site.  Enter the code shown and click create site, and in few seconds, your site will be created and you will arrive on home page of your site.

Here Click on create page , and you will arrive at page creation page, here select file cabinet template , enter a name for your page , and click create page. That's all . your online file cabinet has now been created.

After that you will be directed to you file cabonet page you just created .
Now next step is to upload a file , here i'm using a sound file names sample.mp3 to use as profile music on my orkut profile.  Now on file cabinet page, just click on add file option and an uploader will appear.

after clicking , you will see the uploader box, here browse for the file and click upload, and in some time (depending on the file size) , your file will be uploaded.
 After the file is uploaded, you will see the download link for that file, now right click on the link and copy link location.

after copying it , paste it in notepad, and it will be something link that :

now to get actual sharing link , just remove the text after your file extension , i.e. everything after sample.mp3 in this case, and that's it, this is the sharing link for your file.

by using google sites, you can store upto 100 mb data online and share it for direct download.

For any further help , just post a comment below in the comments section.

Posted by Unknown on 3:12 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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