James Cameron Loses Cool On Glenn Beck And Right Wing Conservatives!

It's not like he's known to hold back his temper!!
James Cameron, who is promoting the DVD release of Avatar, was asked to respond to comments Glenn Beck made which likened director to the Anti-Christ!!
This apparently got ole' Jimmy in quite a stink, and he not only lashed out at the Fox News douchebag personality, but on everyone who does not believe in global warming!!
He says:
"Glenn Beck is a fucking asshole. I've met him. He called me the anti-Christ and not about Avatar. He hadn't even seen Avatar yet. I don't know if he has seen it. I think, you know what, he may or may not be an asshole, but he certainly is dangerous, and I'd love to have a dialogue with him. He's dangerous because his ideas are poisonous. I couldn't believe when he was on CNN. I thought, what happened to CNN? Who is this guy? Who is this madman? And then of course he wound up on Fox News, which is where he belongs, I guess.
They're not attacks. They're just people ranting away, lost in their little bubbles of reality, steeped in their own hatred, their own fear and hatred. That's where it all comes from. Let's just call it out. Let's have a public discussion. That's what movies are supposed to do, you know, you can have a mindless entertainment film that doesn't affect anybody. I wasn't interested in that. That's right, I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads. Anybody that is a global-warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their ass I'm not sure they could hear me.
Look, at this point I'm less interested in making money for the movie and more interested in saving the world that my children are going to inhabit. How about that? I mean look, I didn't make this movie with these strong environmental anti-war themes in it to make friends on the right, you know. They're not on my Christmas card list. It's not going to change my lifestyle at all if they don't talk to me. But you know they've got to live in this world too. And their children do as well, so they're going to have to be answerable to this at some point."
He can be such a dick, but he certainly knows how to make a serious argument!!
What do U think?? Is Cameron's attitude justified??

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