Install windows XP , 7 and vista using pen drive, flash drives, WinToFlash

For the longest time trying to install Windows from a USB was a pain. You had to do this, do that, blah, blah. However recently freeware programs have been created to help make this task easier. Today I am going to tell you about such a program, WinToFlash.

WinToFlash is an application which allows you to transfer Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 install from a CD/DVD to a [bootable] USB/flash drive. Although officially the developer does not state WinToFlash supports .ISOs, you can simply mount your .ISO and trick WinToFlash into thinking it is a legit CD/DVD and create your bootable USB that way.

To create a bootable USB Windows install, simply follow the "Windows setup transfer Wizard".

Take note: WinToFlash is in constant development by its developer. Currently WinToFlash is in Beta and is also a portable app.

After you have created your bootable USB with a Windows install on it, with WinToFlash, simply plug your USB into your computer and restart your computer. You should be able to boot from from the USB and install Windows now =). If you are unable to boot from it, you will have to go into your computer BIOS to change the boot order/settings to allow boot from USB.

You may download WinToFlash from the following links:

Download WinToFlash here

For any further help or problem , just post a comment below .

See also :

Posted by Unknown on 2:25 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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