Top 20 Latest GreaseMonkey Scripts for firefox

Firefox happens to be my favorite browser. I have used it for quite a while now, and use a variety of add-ons, Greasemonkey scripts, along with Stylish scripts to make it a better browsing experience. In this article, I will be listing the top 20 Greasemonkey user scripts that I use. For those of you who don’t know about user scripts, here is the best definition I can give:

Scripts are used to extend the functionality of existing web applications, web sites, etc., created by a community of developers. Greasemonkey scripts are considered to be a browser add-on that gives you the ability to integrate Javascript-based modifications to a site when you load it.

To use scripts, you will want to install Greasemonkey, which gives you access to thousands of scripts to use for a better browsing experience. Once you install Greasemonkey, you will also want to install another Firefox add-on ‘Greasefire’ to help you find scripts for a page that you want to make more user friendly. 

GOOGLE SEARCH SCRIPT GoogleMonkeyR v.1.3.2

Used to create multiple columns for results, remove “Sponsored Links”, generate number results, auto-load more results, remove web search dialogues, open links in a new tab, view favicons, GooglePreviews with search, self updating and all configurable from a simple user dialogue.

GOOGLE IMAGES SCRIPT : Google Image Search Direct Links

This displays a little “direct image link” above your Google image search results


This is a skin for Gmail created by Josef Richter.



This is a skin created for Google Voice based on Helvetireader by Jon Hicks and Helvetical by Ad Taylor.


Flickr Link Original Images

Adds a link to the original image on top of Flickr thumbnails so that when you click on the ORIG in the top left-hand side of the thumbnail, it will open the image in full view.


Generates a preview of thumbnailed images on flickr, photosight,,, facebook and google images.
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand side of the thumbnail (when hovered over), it will generate a larger preview of the thumbnail along with its information.

Flickr More Home

By default, the Flickr home page shows four images for you, eight from your contacts, and four from a group. This script expands it to 8, 16, and 16, respectively. Requires Greasemonkey 0.8.

Flickr Multi-Group Sender

Overrides the flickr “Send to Group” button above your photo/video to send your Flickr image or video to multiple groups simultaneously.


Remove Facebook Ads

Removes silly Facebook ads with this script so that you’ll never be prompted to “CHECK OUT THIS NEW ENERGY DRINK” or “HEY ARE YOU PREGNANT” ever again.

Facebook Fixer

Enhancements for Facebook: bigger profile pictures and photos, easier viewing of albums, links to download videos, showing people’s age and sign, google calendar integration, bookmarks, keyboard shortcuts & more. It’s fully customizable!
Note: If you do not have the new Facebook home page (new as of February 2010) you should wait until you get it before you install this new version.
Some other features include:
A new bookmark feature which allow you to add and remove bookmarks for any facebook page. They will appear in a new drop-down submenu within the top menu of every page. To add or remove a bookmark you first have to go to the page you want added or removed.
Use a keyboard shortcut for adding bookmarks: K (shift + k).
Logout link on the main menu so you don’t have to go to the “Account” submenu to log out.
A link to the Facebook Fixer config screen from the “Account” menu
Hide application, status and wall stories. Previously you could “block 3rd party applications” but hiding application stories should be more reliable and will not adjust the settings for Facebook account.
Hide feed items for all feeds, no longer just the “most recent” feed.
Hide specific sections of the left column on the home page.
A list of translators to the About tab of the config screen.
Big pictures popup to be above the menus.
Hide feed items by story type.
Show today’s birthdays/events in bold on the home page.
Option to keep the top menu bar fixed.
Show popup pics for the new Photos page.
Support for URLs including an exclamation mark.
Load all tagged photos on one page.
Translate using Google’s translation API.
“Big Pictures” show above “ads”.
Download videos even if flash is not installed (thanks to Philipp Weis)
Option to prevent automatically closing popup pics when the mouse is over them (thanks to Samuel Tai).



A simple way to read what’s going on with your friends and/or random strangers. It strips everything out of the Twitter interface save for the essentials: names, Tweets, and a box for updates. Instead of a ton of colors, you get three: white, black, and red. This is Twitter minimalism to the max.

Twitter Unfollow Buttons 2

Creates buttons next to each posting to allowing you to easily unfollow users on twitter.

Power Twitter

Power Twitter adds additional features to Twitter including:
-inline YouTube, Flickr, TwitPic, Google Maps,, and all sorts of playable/viewable media 
-link expansion 
-link translation to page titles 
-search scoped to a specific user 
-status history peeking on mouseover 
-Facebook status updates 
-custom settings 
-@mentions of friends on profile pages 
-photo uploading 
-link shrinking 



This script gets rid of the idiotic footer of massive proportions of DAV6

Suggest DD V0.6

This allows you to easily suggest daily deviations from the deviation page.


Remove ads, make outgoing links direct, remove extraneous elements.


Adds lyrics from Wikia to track pages.
This script adds a panel with song lyrics to track pages. The lyrics are retrieved from You can configure the positioning of panel, collapse or expand the panel, and delay loading of lyrics when collapsed. – Hide Activity Box

Allows user to toggle display of activity box in their own profile
This is a short script that modifies the activity box for a user on their own profile.


YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD & Remove Ads

Buffers the video without autoplaying, removes in-video ads, and puts it in HD if the option is on.


Google Reader Subscribers Count

Shows how many subscribers to a Google Reader feed on many sites.

There are many other scripts that I use. I have more on Stylish scripts, but you will want to come back to read about Stylish.
If you use Greasemonkey, Greasefire, or other user script utilities, please let us know your experiences and advice. Help spread the word to other readers and share the wealth! Also, if you liked this article, please leave a comment.

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Easy YouTube Video Download

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