TITANIC 2 MOVIE: THE SURFACE-Second Part of Movie Titanic PHOTOS- Titanic 2 The Surface Official HD Trailer

Titanic 2 The Surface 

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         JACK IS ALIVE.....  
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production: USA
genre: Melodrama
Directed by James Cameron
Screenplay James Cameron
Russell Carpenter pictures
Music James Horner
duration: 132
Distribution: Mermaid EG

A group of people seeking a jewel Rose encounters a strange find, and Jack Dawson manowicie body placed in a large block of ice. After he escaped from it, scientists are holding Jack and perform at a number of Research. However, he manages to escape. The hero goes on a search for his beloved, but experienced great disappointment when he learns of her death. Now he must cope with in the not too friendly-oriented city in the future ...

http://www.nejman.com/todiefor/tit04.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                        http://img.youtube.com/vi/2bQ-SLzKh9E/2.jpg       just wait till this summers june....nd see SINKING SHIP alive....

source:you tube,google,james cameron officil website,www.wallpapersonscreen.com.

Titanic 2 The Surface Official Trailer

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