Google Adsense account disabled?Reasons!!!
Adsense Tricks and Tips, Free Adsense Account, Google Adsense, Google Banned Website from Adsense, Tips to Restore Banned Disabled Google Adsense Accounts 6:17 AM
Google adsense is one of the recurring income’s that any webmaster can get online.There are people earning millions of money from google adsense.People are being disabled from adsense for a variety of reasons.Is your adsense account disabled?Then you might have not followed the terms of adsenseor some one might have done it on behalf of you.Google has a good revenue share from the earnings of publishers,so they do not wish to disable any adsense member but they have to disable an account posing so many risks since they want to be a trustworthy network for their publishers.
What are the common reasons for adsense account being diabled?
1.Click fraud is one problem that most of the bloggers at initial stage perform.Whatever method you use to cheat google will be tracked by google and you will lose your account.
2.Making users click on ads by placing it in images,confusing them or any such activities are against the terms of adsense your account will be disabled.
3.If you are in the initial stage,(new adsense accounts)and your account gets more number of invalid clicks and impressions then you may be disabled.In this case you may not be doing any mistake but someother make you lose your account.
4.installing your adcode in softwares or in pop ups.
5.Posting your adcode in adult sites.
These are the common reasons for getting your adsense account disabled.