How to get Adsense Account in India?
Adsense, Adsense Account, Adsense Account in India, Adsense Tricks and Tips, Free Adsense Account, Google Adsense 5:47 AM
Hi,Now a days it is very hard to get adsense account in india.Many people might have tried and tried and in the end they could have never got approval for adsense.Google adsense is the best websiteadvertising program that is available in the is owned by the web giant has imposed certain terms and conditions for you to get an adsense account.i will show you
1.your website should be live for atleast 6 months.
2.your website should not contain porn.
3.content should be yours. should be looking clean for ads. should not be previously accepted and terminated. should have a custom domain.
They have implemented these conditions to increase the standard of adwords and the reliability ofadsense.But now a days it has been very strict that even publishers who has these standards are not able to get an adsense account.
My advice for those people trying to get an adsense account is that you have to re-apply if you have the standards required by the adsense.But also people using blogger now a days dont get accounts.I can help you people get adsense account.By using my simple methods you can get a legitimate adsense account.But keep in mind you wont get approved if you have a previously approved adsense account.
Im sure i can get you adsense account in a legitimate way! so contact me at