Bin Hammam: Blatter should go

Mohamed Bin Hammam believes that Sepp Blatter has been FIFA president for too long and should be replaced.

Speaking to Associated Press, Bin Hamman, president of the Asian Football Confederation, said:
"Everybody is going to accuse us today as corrupted people because maybe people see Mr Blatter has stayed a long time at FIFA.
"Thirty-five years in one organisation is quite a long time. No matter how clean you are, honest or how correct you are, still people will attack you. You are going to be defenceless.
"That is why I believe change is the best thing for the organisation."
Bin Hamman is believed to be preparing a challenge to Blatter at the next FIFA election in June. However, he remained non-committal when asked about the prospect of launching a bid.
"I have not made up my mind yet," he said. "I would rather wait and see.
"I'm actually seeking to see competition within FIFA for the post. I would prefer to see two candidates proposing themselves, or maybe more than two proposing themselves to the congress of FIFA. Competition is good for the organisation, whether president or any other posts.
"Competition is the best way to make the organisation vibrant and alive

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