Mesothelioma Lawsuits

A diagnosis of mesothelioma can be hard to accept for any individual, no matter how much a person may have mentally prepared for the possibility of having the disease. Indeed, many who develop mesothelioma know they were exposed to asbestos during their career and the possibility of developing this type of cancer often lingers in the back of their mind.
The lawyers at Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason will not sit by and let corporations relieve themselves of liability by entering into transactions that muddy the water so bad a normal person would be at a loss to determine where those liabilities were transferred to. We take pride in the fact that we have successfully brought to light corporate liabilities asbestos defendants have attempted to hide from the public.
In addition to experienced doctors, there is one more individual that a mesothelioma patient should consider meeting - a reputable and knowledgeable attorney who is well-versed in asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

The government of Italy completely banned the use of asbestos. France followed in 1997, and with more than 3,000 reported deaths per year, Australia finally banned the use of asbestos in 2003. Japan banned the use of asbestos in 2004, and Britain introduced a series of strict regulatory laws in 2006, but asbestos is still not banned. Canada and Russia still provide the majority of the world's asbestos, and the top importers are third world nations with no regulatory laws to protect worker health.
Congress failed to pass the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005, which would have created a trust for victims of mesothelioma to the tune of $140 billion. The idea was for the government to pay victims as a means of calming the massive tort and litigation. The bill was amended in 2006 to award victims $1.1 million upon diagnosis, but it again failed to pass in Congress.
Two New York men were awarded a combined $9 million in settlement by a New York jury as a result of them both contracting mesothelioma after work-related asbestos exposure. While their case was combined, they worked for separate companies , one an electrician since his teenage years and the other a pipe fitter but suffered the same negligence. They and their wives were awarded the settlement for pain and suffering and lost wages, among others.

A Los Angeles woman, Rhoda Evans, was awarded a settlement of $208.8 million after a jury declared that she was the victim of negligent exposure to asbestos after she�d contracted the disease from washing her husband's clothes. He worked for the Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power and was regularly exposed to the mineral and its fibers because the company that provided the county's pipes did not disclose that they contained asbestos

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