Mystery of Zero – Shoonya Ka Rahasya by Ankur Tiwari
Books, Breaking News, feature, Fraction of 1 by 0 solved by an indian student, Myng News, Mystery of Zero – Shoonya Ka Rahasya by Ankur Tiwari, Zero divideby an indian student 11:20 PM

You Might be surprise to know that,Till now, there is no any method in Modern Mathematics which is capable of dividing any number by zero. All early attempts to find out the value of any number divided by zero is unsuccessful and as a result in modern mathematics it is assumed that ‘Zero divided by Zero is indeterminate and any number divided by zero is complex infinity’.
However, at present AnkuR Tiwari is the first person who had invented a new mathematics formula which is capable of dividing by Zero. This innovative formula gives us vast field for new researches and inventions. AnkuR Tiwari had named this formula as ‘Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’ whose detail explanation is given in AnkuR Tiwari’s book ‘Mystery of Zero - Shoonya Ka Rahasya’.
AnkuR Tiwari’s book ‘Mystery of Zero - Shoonya Ka Rahasya’ contains :-
1. Detail explanation of ‘Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’ with its derivation, examples of its implementation, etc.
2. Some facts and details about ancient Indian mathematician Brahmagupta and his book Brahmasphutasiddhanta.
3. Number of interesting articles related to Zero.
I am a writer of 'Mystery of Zero - Shoonya Ka Rahasya'.
Thank you very much for your interest in Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction (B.N.R.F.)
My formula had already changed the concept of division by Zero in India. 'Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’ is verified by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) New Delhi, one of the largest government educational authority. It is on the international platforms and discussion of world level mathematicians is on the way to accept it in modern mathematics. So, soon you are going to see 'Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’ in textbooks of students.
You all should know that,
I have thousands of persons, philosophers, professors, lecturers, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
New Delhi secretaries, Institutional Math HODs and many others who are appreciating and accepting my formula. All the verification of B.N.R.F. by dignified mathematics persons like professors, lecturers, CBSE (New Delhi) Secretaries, are in written with me.
I like to clear a fact that as my book is published. I am bound with some rules and regulations. As well as copyright protection of ‘Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’ is also essential for me. Therefore, I cannot directly publish examples and explanation of B.N.R.F publically. However I can provide all necessary informations about B.N.R.F. personally to each and every individual contacting me and demanding it as well as I am committed for it also.
Recently, I had seen that some of my rivals are creating fake accounts on this website and are posting fake comments to make bad impression of my research and my book. So, I request all the visitors and my well wishers to ignore all this.
I had done a great invention in the field of mathematics. I had invented a formula to divide any number by Zero (‘Bhartiya New Rule for Fraction’). My News is also printed on newspaper as well as is also running on televisions. So, I have thousands of well wishers and some rivals too. You can get it on the URL of Dainik Bhaskar's website given below:
(As Dainik Bhaskar is a daily newspaper and its website is regularly updated. So, this link may be inactive after some time.)
AnkuR Tiwari
Inventor of B.N.R.F.
Phone Number:- +91- 9039223931
E-mail :-
Book Details
Number of Pages:
50 Dimensions:
A4 Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)